How is a match day defined?

In START7, we do not define a match day according to the official DAIKIN HBL match schedule, but sort the matches into match days according to their chronological order.

By default, we combine all matches that take place from Thursday to Monday into one match day in START7. All players you have lined up up to 5 minutes before kick-off of the first match will therefore score points for the matches from Thursday to Monday, regardless of the matchday allocation according to the official match schedule.

For example, if a match on matchday 18 is postponed to matchday 23, the team lined up for matchday 23 will also score points for the make-up match on matchday 18, even if the match officially belongs to an earlier matchday (according to the DAIKIN HBL match schedule). At that time, you will also only receive the points for the make-up match of the official matchday 18.

In the same way, a team can play twice on a match day if matches have to be postponed. In this case, the players who belong to these teams and are lined up before the end of the countdown will score twice on that matchday.

If matches have to be played outside the standard time slot (Thursday to Monday), a special match day will be played. Again, you must field your squad up to 5 minutes before kick-off to earn points for the match. The countdown reminds you of this. The same rules apply as on a normal match day.

You can see exactly which matches are included in the calculation in the match overview in the lobby, which is always displayed at least 12 hours before the first match kicks off.