League Management
Can managers be deleted from leagues?
Yes, the admin of a league can remove managers from the league.
To do this, the league admin must go to the league settings (via the “League” tab and then “Overview”). There, the admin of the league can remove certain managers by clicking on the picture of the members.
Can I delete a league?
Currently, leagues cannot be deleted.
Simply leave the league via the league overview by clicking on the “Leave league” button at the bottom and create a new league if required.
How can I invite my friends?
All admins of a league can send friends and acquaintances an invitation link to the league by clicking on the button “Invite other friends” in the league overview in the menu “League”.
If you create a league, you can invite your friends directly via an invitation link.
How do I resign from my league?
To do this, tap on the “League” tab in the app menu. In the league overview you will find the button “Leave league” at the bottom.
If you are the administrator of the league, your administrator role is automatically transferred to another league member.
Can I convert a private league into a public league?
Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment. Reasons for a new league, please.